/* initializing materials */
material_light_info light{ glm::vec3(1.0f), glm::vec3(0.7f), glm::vec3(0.5f), 20.0f, 0.2f };
material_prototype monkey_skin{ light, shaders[shader_handle("shader.low_poly")], lights };
/*rendering materials*/
glsl_program * low_poly_shader = renderer.get_shader();
low_poly_shader->send_uniform_vec3("camera_position", glm::value_ptr(camera.get_position()), 1);
low_poly_shader->send_uniform_mat4("view_matrix", glm::value_ptr(view_matrix), 1);

This was how rendering in my engine was done before…

Everything wrong with the old system

  • creating a new material prototype was a huge pain : materials had to be sorted manually into their respective renderers
  • to access a material one must go through a renderer that uses that specific material prototype
  • rendering materials is a huge pain
  • in order to update the view and projection matrices, the user must manually access the shader of the rendererer(material prototype of the renderer)
/* material handler sorts all materials and renderers and stores them in an accessible way */
class material_handler materials;

/* initializing */
auto sky_material = materials.add_material("material.sky"
		, material_light_info() /* no lighting */
		, shaders[shader_handle("shader.sky")]
		, lights
		, &world.get_scene_camera());

/* rendering */

This is how rendering in my engine is done now… and it makes me so happy

Everything great with the new system

  • initializing a new material prototype is so so so much easier as the material_handler automatically sorts all the rendering shenanigans
  • rendering is… I don’t even need to say it as it speaks for itself - it’s 1 line (don’t worry the rendering is still very customizable with the initializations prior to the game loop)
